Teaching Experience
Previous Experience

"Wayne is a consummate artist and brings that 'arts sensibility' into the classroom. Whether it is his background in design, drawing or music, he finds a way to utilize these skills to engage students. I can imagine Wayne seeking out creative ways to integrate the arts across content areas and tapping into students' natural affinity as artists."
       - Michael Templeton, Principal, ASF Broad Street Elementary School, Providence, RI
(To view the entire recommendation letter, click here)

"Wayne exhibits a mindset that integrates concepts and ideas. He is hardly a linear thinker! He sees the science in music, the art in math, and the poetry in history. Today's emphasis on providing the learner with the capacity to see the interconnectedness of skills and concepts plays right into Wayne's strengths. He will assist students in developing an awareness of and appreciation for the integrated nature of lasting learning."
       - Ralph Wales, Former Head of School, The Gordon School, East Providence, RI, Interim Head of School, St. George's Episcopal, New Orleans, LA
(To view the entire recommendation letter, click here)

"Equally interested in both the principle and the practice of education, he is ready to take on the challenges of his own classroom. Wayne is a careful listener, thoughtful, interested and interesting. I am sure that he will be a wonderful colleague and I consider his future students to be quire lucky. I recommend Wayne to you enthusiastically!"
       - David Michel, Co-Director of College Counseling, The Wheeler School, Providence, RI
(To view the entire recommendation letter, click here)

"Wayne has the fund of knowledge, patience, kindness, adaptability, and energy that are ideally suited for his career in teaching children. His expertise in the creative process, design thinking, visualization, communication, and enthusiasm will be huge resources in his classroom."
       - Lori Surdut Weinberg, Instructor, Rhode Island School of Design, Continuing Education, Providence, RI
(To view the entire recommendation letter, click here)